Vlc Player Mac Manual

Devices and Mac OS X version

  1. Vlc Video Mac
  2. Vlc Player Mac Os
  3. Vlc Player Mac Manual Free

VLC media player requires Mac OS X 10.7.5 or later. It runs on any Mac with a 64-bit Intel processor or an Apple Silicon chip. Previous devices are supported by older releases.
Note that the first generation of Intel-based Macs equipped with Core Solo or Core Duo processors is no longer supported. Please use version 2.0.10 linked below.

If you need help in finding the correct package matching your Mac's processor architecture, please see this official support document by Apple.

The manual instructions are for anyone who doesn't have Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) or later installed, or who is geeky enough to want to do things manually! These instructions are based on VLC 2.0. If you have VLC 2.1 or later, then please click here. A) Enable the HTTP Interface. Open the VLC settings; VLC Menu/Preferences. VLC Player is an open source and extremely compatible media decoder and player (audio + video). It plays almost any media format you can think of. Download VLC Media Player (for PPC) for Mac. VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks internationally registered by the VideoLAN non-profit organization. VideoLAN software is licensed under various open-source licenses: use and distribution are defined by each software license. Design by Made By Argon. Some icons are licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0+.

Open VLC Media Player and go to Media Open Disc or press the shortcut Ctrl + D to select the DVD files you want to rip. In the Open Media window, choose the Disc tab. Make sure DVD is selected under DVD Selection and hit 'Browse' to choose the right disc device. VLC is packed full of features and capability, but its instability presents some issues. In the face the expansion of QuickTime’s capabilities, users of newer versions of Mac OSX might find VLC to be a bit redundant. If you’re on an older version, however, VLC could be for you. Should you download it?

Web browser plugin for Mac OS X

Support for NPAPI plugins was removed from all modern web browsers, so VLC's plugin is no longer maintained. The last version is 3.0.4 and can be found here. It will not receive any further updates.

Older versions of Mac OS X and VLC media player

We provide older releases for users who wish to deploy our software on legacy releases of Mac OS X. You can find recommendations for the respective operating system version below. Note that support ended for all releases listed below and hence they won't receive any further updates.

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

Use VLC 2.2.8. Get it here.

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Use VLC 2.0.10. Get it for PowerPC or 32bit Intel.

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

Mac OS X 10.4.7 or later is required

Use VLC 0.9.10. Get it for PowerPC or Intel.

Mac OS X 10.3 Panther

QuickTime 6.5.2 or later is required

Use VLC 0.8.6i. Get it for PowerPC.

Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar

Use VLC 0.8.4a. Get it for PowerPC.

Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah and 10.1 Puma

Use VLC 0.7.0. Get it for PowerPC.

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VLC is one of those apps that every­one uses but no one uses it quite well. On the sur­face it’s a sim­ple app with a blank play­ing screen and some but­tons. But under­neath this sim­ple appear­ance is the pandora’s box wait­ing to be opened.

VLC is a reli­able media play­er. It also has its life all fig­ured out. It knows what it is and doesn’t pre­tend to be some­thing else. VLC is not a music play­er or a media cen­ter mas­querad­ing as a media play­er. It’s a media play­er and a pret­ty good one at that. You know that no mat­ter how obscure of a media for­mat you throw at it, it’s going to work.

But it can do more. Hid­den behind the tool­bars, selec­tion items and right-click menus are fea­tures that make VLC much more than just a drag-and-drop media play­er. It is immense­ly cus­tomiz­able. Every­thing from the place­ment of tool­bar but­tons to plu­g­ins to the skin itself. VLC can stream YouTube videos, act as a basic video cut­ting tool, rip your DVD col­lec­tion and make your video view­ing expe­ri­ence much better.

This ulti­mate guide to VLC explores it all and helps you become a pow­er user of VLC.

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Vlc Video Mac

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What You Will Learn in This Book

Here's what you will learn in this eBook.

10 Awe­some Things You Can Do with VLC Media Player

Do you know that you can use VLC to play video as wall­pa­per? Do you know you can make a VLC video always stay on top of all your win­dows? Do you know about the amaz­ing audio and video effects that VLC has to offer? Read about these and much more in this first chap­ter of this eBook.

How to Stream, Cut, Con­vert and RIP Videos with VLC

Learn all about video stream­ing with VLC, cut­ting video clips, con­vert­ing them to var­i­ous for­mats.. yes, VLC can do it all. This chap­ter shows you step by step how to do it.

Key­board Short­cuts and Remote Con­trol Apps

Get­ting to know VLC key­board short­cuts can make your expe­ri­ence much faster and smoother. We also tell you how to use your phone as a remote con­trol while play­ing a video on your com­put­er. Cool, isn’t it?

How to Use Exten­sions in VLC (and the Best Ones)

There are some use­ful exten­sions avail­able for VLC that can fur­ther enhance your video watch­ing expe­ri­ence. Read all about it in this chapter.

Should You Be Using VLC for Android?

How good is VLC for Android real­ly? Worth your time? Find out in this chapter.

VLC vs the Competition

In the final chap­ter of this eBook, we explore some oth­er media play­ers that com­pete with VLC and tell you the differences.

Become a Power User of VLC

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The only VLC guide you’ll ever need.

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Vlc Player Mac Os

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The Guid­ing Tech (GT) team com­pris­es of expe­ri­enced experts who make a liv­ing tin­ker­ing with tech all day. Be it soft­ware or hard­ware, we’re pas­sion­ate geeks with an eye for detail that helps us uncov­er hid­den fea­tures and tips that an aver­age user is unlike­ly to come across. Our arti­cles have been linked to by top sites like CNET and WIRED, and have been fea­tured at the likes of The Busi­ness Insider.

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